Zero Turn Macadamia Harvester
Commercial & Industrial Tools

Zero Turn Macadamia Harvester – How and When To Harvest Macadamia

Macadamia nuts are also well-known by other names, including Queensland nuts, maroochi nuts, and bush nuts and its cultivation usually starts with a vegetatively propagated plant. And when its time of harvesting comes, a zero turn macadamia harvester is one of the best

tractors used for its harvesting purpose. Even though hand harvesting is one of the simplest ways of harvesting, there are many other things that you have to do.

Zero Turn Macadamia Harvester

The fruiting season of this nut starts in late autumn and its season than continues through spring. The time of ripening this fruit varies by cultivar. But it also comes in a wide variety of fruits, and all of its variety can bear fruit continuously during its period of fruiting.

Zero Turn Macadamia Harvester

And when its ripening time is close, it is easy to tell when it will get ripped. The shell of this fruit start showing dryness, losing its tackiness, and change its colour from green to brown gradually. Then this starts shrinking and its splits open and its edges then turn brown. In the end, the brown nut inside of the shell becoming visible. As mentioned earlies, this fruit comes in a variety, and it is also harvested by hand. This is the simplest yet easy method to complete the job of collecting these nuts.

Leaving a tarp under the tree of this fruit is another method to collect their crop. But this is not the best method as it may collect rainwater along with the crop, rot your harvest, and sometimes damage your lawn as well. Instead, you should visit the tree each day to collect what has dropped, and it is necessary to ensure that you have removed all fallen fruit. Removing fallen fruit can keep all the hungry rodents away.

Use of modern yet efficient tractors and harvesters are the best way to collect this fruit and harvest the crop. It can ensure you have gathered the crop without damaging other parts and plants surrounding this fruit. Plus, usage of harvester also guarantees a successful elimination of the mess created by the fallen leaves.

And each time you make use of a harvester for the collection of a fresh batch, it is recommended to remove the husk immediately from the fruit, as well as clean the harvester. If you keep a zero turn macadamia harvester clean, it will provide maximum efficiency and lasts so long. Visit our website for more information.

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Hunter Soubeiran