traffic management companies

Which 9 Traffic Controlling Steps are Taught by Traffic Management Companies?

Looking For traffic management companies? To understand the various traffic management options, what they achieve, and whether they are suitable to your needs, it’s essential to work for a council or manage health and safety for any large traffic management companies.

Speed Humps

Traffic management has been successful by using small bumps in the road. Their effectiveness in slowing down drivers can be tailored to meet any need. Although often high impact plastic speed humps can have a similar effect, the simplest way to create a speed hump is to incorporate it into the road surface.

Speed Cushions

The cushions were designed to offer greater flexibility than speed humps. Since they are narrower, vehicles with wider wheelbases like fire engines and ambulances are not affected while cars and other road users are slowing down.

traffic management companies


In addition to slowing drivers, chicanes make them change their routes. Speed humps damage vehicles, so they are often used as a weapon against them. Nevertheless, chicanes often require a lot more labour and planning.

Width Restrictions

By restricting the width of the road, you encourage drivers to slow down just like you do with chicanes. Also, width restrictions can sometimes be used to ease pedestrians’ crossing of the road. The result is undoubtedly positive.

One Way Streets

Changing the direction of traffic flow can significantly reduce congestion. It tends to be safer than average traffic to stick to a set route with only one direction.

Signposting and signage are especially important to prevent accidents and people from getting lost.

Standard Roundabouts

A well-placed roundabout can greatly influence traffic calming, providing everyone with equal chances to make their exit and avoiding accidents and congestion that are common on busy intersections.

Mini Roundabouts

Mini roundabouts can do wonders for traffic management and congestion, much like traditional roundabouts can. Most of their safety benefits can be obtained without the landscaping and reshaping that their bigger siblings require.

Kerb build-outs

Although you might not be aware of kerb build-outs by name, they have increased in popularity on UK roads in recent years. The kerbs are built out into the roadway as a calming traffic measure.

Drivers can emerge from junctions further into the road, improving their visibility and decreasing accidents.

Traffic Islands

A pedestrian can cross a road more safely when an island is placed between lanes of traffic instead of travelling at a pelican crossing. In addition, traffic islands assigned by traffic management companies have the positive effect of discouraging overtaking when it is unsafe. For more information visit our Website.

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Lucas Cazneaux