Industrial compressors

The Importance Of Preventative Maintenance For Your Industrial Compressor

 Industrial compressors can be quite a costly investment, and in many cases, your entire operation depends on their efficiency. By ensuring that you have a strict maintenance plan in place, you can prevent breakdowns that could involve downtime and costly repairs. It is very easy to forget about maintenance, especially when everything appears to be running smoothly, so it is essential that you make this a priority. 

In this article, we’ll look at how you can maintain your industrial compressors and extend their lifespan, giving you the most out of your investment.

Air Filter

The job that air compressors have is to produce clean air. But they cannot do their job if the air filter is dirty. This inefficiency can be detrimental, so you must regularly check air filters.

Oil Filter

You should definitely make an effort to check your oil filters weekly, as well as check the quality of your oil to ensure that it is of good quality and that there is no greasy residue being left behind.

Ensure That There Is Enough Lubricant

Without sufficient lubricant, you can cause damage to the moving and mechanical parts of the compressor, shortening its lifespan and ruining its efficiency.

Motor Bearings

Industrial compressors

Something that you should always check is the motor bearings. Check for rust and also check for sufficient lubricant in this area. You may need to replace bearings every so often.


Check the belts of your compressor to ensure that they are at the proper tension. Rubber belts break down over time, and this is another part that may require replacements over the years, so keep an eye on them.

Intake Vents

Inspect your intake vents at least once a week and clean them when necessary.

Remember that each industrial compressor is different. For the best maintenance regime, you should always look at the manufacturer’s guidelines as they will differ from model to model. If maintenance is not really your strong point, you should look for a low maintenance solution.

Are you looking to purchase industrial compressors in Australia? Here at Airdraulics, we have a range of high-quality industrial compressors. We also have a highly knowledgeable team that can offer advice when it comes to choosing the right industrial compressor for your operational needs. Feel free to browse our website or get in touch with us directly should you have any questions.

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Lucas Cazneaux